Hello there! 👋

I'm Leon Linhart, a 25-year-old software developer from Germany. On the internet, I have been using the alias TheMrMilchmann since the early 2010s.

I started programming as a hobby back in school when I was obsessed with the idea of creating my own video game. Since this was around the time Minecraft was extremely popular, little me chose to learn and use Java for his experiments. To access low-level windowing and graphics APIs, I used the Lightweight Java Game Library. Through working with LWJGL on essentially highly-performant code, I became interested in and learned a lot about the internals of the Java Virtual Machine.

Contributions to LWJGL were also a large factor for me to get into open-source development in 2017. Since then, I have written and contributed to dozens of projects of all sizes, many of which you can find on GitHub.

In 2023, I earned a bachelor's degree in Computer Science at RWTH Aachen University. At this point, I decided to stop pursuing my studies and started working full-time as a backend software engineer at Yukawa Exponential GmbH.

I created Committing Crimes as personal website to write about software development. Stay tuned for more!